Our Mission

We want to pass legislation to ensure that every first responder in Massachusetts is outfitted with an AED.

Your donations go towards purchasing AEDs for local departments, helping to throw fundraising events, and the upkeep of this website.

Our Events

3rd annual Duncan Classic Golf Tournament

Please join us in celebrating the beautiful life of David “Duncan” Greenwood. The golf tournament will once again be held at the Blissful Meadows Golf course in Uxbridge, Ma. on Sunday October 10th. All proceeds go to Six10.org, created in memory of Dave. The tournament supports our mission to equip all police vehicles with an AED.

Registration: Beginning at 8:30am Raffle tickets and Mulligans available for purchase
Shotgun start at 9:00

If you have any questions or special requests please contact Jake Skole at jacob.a.skole@gmail.com

Registration fees: $135 per golfer Includes event favor, green fees, golf cart and dinner

Click here for full info and to sign up!

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